📄️ How FKMTime works?
Basically, there are:
📄️ Importing competition
It is recommended to import competition after creating groups.
📄️ Accounts
FKMTime primarily uses WCA accounts for authentication. This means, delegates and organizers should log in with their WCA accounts and they will have admin access to the panel.
📄️ Adding devices to database
You have to enter your WiFi network details in devices settings on frontend. Micro-connector will connect via bluetooth with all devices and send them WiFi details. After that, devices will be able to communicate with backend by WiFi through micro-connector. You can read more about this in the production section.
📄️ Assigning cards & check-in
Assigning cards
📄️ Staff members
Go to the persons page and click on the plus button.
📄️ Selecting current event
FKMTime needs to know which group is currently taking place in each room in order to enter results to the correct round.
📄️ How updates work?
We use GitHub Releases to distribute updates.
📄️ Unofficial events
It is possible to use FKMTime for unofficial events. Basically, all you need to do is creating unofficial event, set up rounds and limits and the rest is the same as for official events.
📄️ Database structure
FKMTime uses PostgreSQL database to store all the data. The database structure is shown below.